Securing Web Apps in Azure
So you have deployed your web app to Azure. Now, how do you make it more secure and compliant?
In this fast-paced talk we will run through an overview of some of the Azure technologies that you can use to better protect your web applications in Azure - all depending on your required security level, of course. The talk will set out a framework for you to consider which protections you want to put in place and provide you with the awareness of the tools at your disposal.
Stop attackers, inside and outside, from getting access in the first place by using Web Application Firewall, VNets, encrypting or masking data and removing credentials from code and config.
Know when someone is trying to get in by using Log Analytics, Alerts and SQL Azure Threat Detection
Stop ongoing attacks and limit the impact of attacks by blocking their access, partitioning your application, ensuring attackers can’t get at further credentials and limit what data they can get access to.
I last did this talk at Rg-Dev in Rzeszow, Poland and at DDD 14 in Reading on 12 October 2019.