- Azure SQL Failover Setup
- Blob Storage Client-Side Encryption
- Spend less on Azure
- Designing for scale in the cloud 101
- Migrate to the Cloud
- Azure SQL Private End Points with Pulumi
- Azure Private End Points, VPNs and multi-site
- Azure Key Vault Secrets
- Secure your Web App in Azure at DDD14
- AI will fundamentally change how we build software
- Azure Security Talk at rg-dev
- Find SELECT N+1 with Application Insights
- Add new user to all my Azure subscriptions
- Publish Nuget packages with Azure Dev Ops
- GDPR for Software and how Azure can help
- CosmosDB token has wrong time
- Securing your web app in Azure
- Azure Failover and Resilience
- Combine documents with other data in Azure Search
- How many ways can I host a web app in Azure?
- Find docs with no PartitionKey in Azure DocumentDb
- Find Documents with missing properties in Azure DocumentDb with the .Net SDK
- Auto publish Azure Web Jobs with ASP.Net Core RTM
- InfoSec with SQL Azure
- Azure DocumentDb Go-Faster button
- Auto deploy Azure Web Job with ASP.Net 5 and source control deploy
- Using Azure Management Libraries from Azure Web Jobs
- Hitting the limits in SQL Azure
- Continuous deployment to Azure Cloud Services
- Hard Windows Workflow Lessons from Azure